Extract CBD from The Hemp Plant
Extract CBD from The Hemp Plant

Palm Oil Purification and Refining Solutions
Palm oil purifiers
Palm oil purifiers are widely used for the purification of palm oil. From the oil tank the oil is fed into the purifier where impurities and water are removed. The purified oil passes through a vacuum dryer and is finally pumped through an oil cooler into the main storage tank.
The PASB purifier is a solid jet disc stack centrifuge. The rotating bowl is driven by an electric motor via a flat belt or worm gear. When the feed is closed, the oil is discharged by adding repellent water and adding discharge water to release the hydraulic closing force and lower the sliding bowl bottom. After the discharge cycle, a new water seal is established in the bowl and separation continues. The oil enters the purifier via an external pump. The operating water table and the complete hydraulic system controlling the sludge discharge are located in the water tank. There is no possibility of contamination from external sources.
Cannabis plant CBD extract
CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is one of the many compounds found in the cannabis plant, which is now known to have a variety of medicinal uses. In recent years, CBD has become so popular that it is now extracted, produced and manufactured into a wide variety of products, including food, CBD oil and even face creams.
The most popular form of consumption is CBD oil, which is used to treat a variety of conditions; mainly because of the way it affects the endocannabinoid system (ECS). CBD not only doesn’t “relax” you, it also helps to reduce the psychoactive effects of THC.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a very potent stimulant that boosts the body’s immune system. In contrast, CBD is not psychoactive, but it promotes positive changes in the body. In addition, CBD is known to inhibit the function of the FAAH enzyme, which acts directly on the CB1 receptor and allows THC to produce its psychoactive effects.
CBD affects our body in a very different way to the way THC operates as it is not involved in the direct stimulation of CB1 and CB2 receptors. CBD has the greatest effect on other receptors such as serotonin, adenosine and vanillin.
There are four common methods of extraction:
– The method of extracting cannabis with carbon dioxide
– the olive oil extraction method
– Dry ice extraction method
Solvent extraction
Working principle
In large-scale industrial production processes, the ethanol extraction process is the most common method of CBD extraction because of its efficiency and low cost. Filtration is a common step in the production of hemp and hemp concentrates. Centrifugation is the most effective and efficient method of separating solid biomass extracts. In most cases, the extraction process can be carried out in an upstream vessel. The purpose of filtration is to improve clarity, increase power, improve stability and create a better overall experience for the consumer. The most common requirement for the filtration step is to obtain the highest yield of the desired active ingredient while minimising unwanted solids and substances in the extract.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a very potent stimulant that boosts the body’s immune system. In contrast, CBD is not psychoactive, but it promotes positive changes in the body. In addition, CBD is known to inhibit the function of the FAAH enzyme, which acts directly on the CB1 receptor and allows THC to produce its psychoactive effects.
CBD affects our body in a very different way to the way THC operates as it is not involved in the direct stimulation of CB1 and CB2 receptors. CBD has the greatest effect on other receptors such as serotonin, adenosine and vanillin.
In large-scale industrial production processes, the ethanol extraction process is the most common method of CBD extraction because of its efficiency and low cost. Filtration is a common step in the production of hemp and hemp concentrates. Centrifugation is the most effective and efficient method of separating solid biomass extracts. In most cases, the extraction process can be carried out in an upstream vessel. The purpose of filtration is to improve clarity, increase power, improve stability and create a better overall experience for the consumer. The most common requirement for the filtration step is to obtain the highest yield of the desired active ingredient while minimising unwanted solids and substances in the extract.

Centirfuge Separator Specification
Centirfuge Separator Specification
Purification |Concentration |Clarification
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